Sunday 27 October 2013

Trip to Ahmedabad

As expected the Trip to Gujarat was a commendable and worthy experience.I think for most of us it was the first time we were going to a place so far without our parents biding them adieu we left from our homes.   Starting from our school when we all friends met once again after the Diwali Vacations Gap was in itself a pleasure.  Meeting with our trip co-ordinator and loving teacher Mrs. Rama Dighe after a whole lot of an year was again fun. The buses  left the school @ 8.30pm and the cold winds of winter met with many hoots and cheers as the journey had just began. Seated with my friends Sakshi,Sanskruti, Krutika ,Shreya & Unnati we kept on chatting and singing  some random songs and in a blink when we were laughing on a certain joke we realized that the bus was at a  halt and we had reached the Mumbai Central. There came the first thing where we remembered our parents when we had to lift the luggage all by ourselves and climb several stairs to be on the right platform. The Duranto Express made its way on the station and we ran to find our dabba no. which was sitiuated in the extreme. After a lot of hard work we were finally and comfartably seated in the train. To our surprise Rama ma'am asked us to sleep in about half and hour after we entered. But Hum to Hum hain. Whole night we kept on talking and having our fun and as far as I remember we slept at 4 in the morning and at 6 the alarm rang and in about another quarter we were on the platform of Ahmedabad  and again the luggages. Truly speaking that was in itself a fun and a new experience.  Seated in the bus 'Charted Speed' which was BTW the best amongst all the three booked by our school we relaxed as the bus touched the road to end up at Gir Jungle Lodge, Junagarh. To a surprise we reached there at about 4 pm  had the lunch and once again confirmed that can we change to normals. Entering the rooms which were yaa, good! And my roomies were (as desired)  Krutika , Unnati and Nimisha. I swear I have never had so much fun with anyone before like that night. And the cherry on cake was our room's TV which didn't had the voice. We all got freshen up and moved out to meet the rest of our friends at the park of GJL. We had loads and loads of mast but the best of it was The Dog & The Bone Game. But after it was the high light of the day which was The Bonfire which was an absolute delight to sit around the fire with friends and watch The Tribal Dance performance along with our teachers dancing, most importantly Ajay Patil sir. The most funny part was that Sakshi and Sanskruti, and in between I was seated and was they both were vigorously hooting and when the tribal people came here my arms were being crushed to death with "Aditi! Nahin ! Aditi! Mummy!" by both of them. After that we all geared up and danced around the fire and had our dinner. Back to the room we were playing Damsharas with out TV and were having loads of fun. I think none of us wanted to sleep but had to so that we can enjoy tomorrow. Next morning, we went for Jeep Safari at Gir Forest which was to die for safari. At first we were very disappointed to see only deer.. many deer indeed! and the flora but the moment we say THE ASIATIC LIONESS peeping from the back of the bushes on a hill top can't be described better or as Rama ma'am said "I don't think any of us can forget this moment in our life!" which was really a truth and we left from there with a victorious smile of we-saw-THE LION. Here I want to thank the Gir Forestry Department which allowed us to see the lion even though it was in the prohibited area only because we were students and also our guide and jeep driver as we were the first one to see THE LION from our school! Thank-You! Returning back we went to Somanth Temple which I thin my friends can describe better and their famous Pankh wale Babaji prank after which Ajay Patil sir named our group as Udi Baba Gang. The visit to Lothal Excavation was also very nice and we all could grab a lot of knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization from there. In between all of this how can I forget the fun we had in bus. Truly, playing UNO with Rama ma'an and Ajay sir was also a part of the unforgettable trip & the most wild and ruthless Antakshari Game I had ever witnessed and played. I don't know why but reaching Ahmedabad Station on 15th night wasn't really a very nice feeling as somehow we had started  realizing that  the party is coming to an end. Again in the train we reached Central and in almost 3 more hours were back to home. 
Weird feeling of  'masti khatam school chalo' made its way in all our minds but we all knew that we had just enjoyed the most unforgettable time with each other till date, and which will always be a golden memory for us.
Thank You the people of our school, J.H. Ambani who planned this trip for us and to our principle, Shastri  ma'am, for this trip.

© Aditi Tiwari 2014 copyright. All rights reserved.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

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© Aditi Tiwari 2014 copyright. All rights reserved.

Jennifer Cruise - BET ME

Jennifer Cruz as per as WIKI is a best-selling and award winning author of contemporary romance novels which by me as at no doubt after reading BET ME by her.
The book has got Jennifer ,  In 2005  a Romance Writers of America RITA Award for Best Contemporary Single Title . The novel also became her first New York Times best-seller.
If you really wan to enjoy the book you must be patient enough as it proceeds. As in my case after finishing a bit a started reading it back wards but definitely didn't continue it other than the last chapter 17 of 3 pages at the pdf copy. 
Interestingly the novel starts on "once upon a time" and ends on "they lived happily ever after" like a fairytale but what makes it nail the perfection is the journey between that...
which evolves around Min and Cal and their exs' David and Clyth respectively...along with their friends Bonnie ,Roger , Tony and Liza.
The girls amongst above, share a nice friendship with themselves and so does the boys except one thing that the boys had a company which they shared and build-up together. Not to mention that this excludes David and Clyth in both the case.
The story evolves beautifully after starting by a bet between Min and Cal and then hating each other on the other day.
The story also includes several other characters and a whole course of a wedding which ends up when the bride (min's sis diana) instead of saying i agree says i object.
The very nice essence of the whole the way you yourself...and you need not change for anyone...
All in all its a very well written book..thats a romantic comedy..and i loved it...
Its about friendship,  marriages, parents,fantasy,gamble and food....

© Aditi Tiwari 2014 copyright. All rights reserved.


I don't know if you can get jet lagged without changing time zones but I definitely was. I had a late night flight from Mumbai to Bangal...