Saturday 31 October 2015

sudeep Nagarkar - amour écrivain

Sudeep Nagarkar is the perfect love writer you want to read. I really doubt my ability to read. I mean when was the last time you finished reading a book in 1.30 hrs. But quick reading makes me write quick review. I like reviewing books and the tons of books I read now-a-days makes me feel too good. "Few things left unsaid" is a beautiful novel.
The story starts from present then to a flashback and then again to the present. The story is well paced and nothing short of love. The character of Riya and Aditya is portrayed beautifully. You get lost in their love story. The book is a quick read if you are a good paced reader. And is again a wonderful book to read after a long day. I just the easy way of writing of Nagarkar and no complications.
I would suggest you to read ftlu as its a good book I am already on my way to that's how we met and it started with a friend request on my phone . BTW if you want to get pdf this site is amazing and offers .epub too.
© Aditi Tiwari. 2015. All rights reserved. DBA

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Two Roads, Two Choices!

This is the first time I am attempting some plot drawn from the lines of the famous writer Preeti Shenoy's "The one you cannot have." I just got the idea while I had finished attempting my NSO today only in 20 minutes and was reading the book secretly under my desk. Hope you like it.

Two roads , two choices!

I was ready to attempt my last practice before the national basketball championship representing Mumbai Champions. I had just finished it when I feel a tap on my right shoulder. It was Sameer. He was my ex-boyfriend but currently my best friend.
"Hey, Anjali I wanted to talk to you about something important."
"Yeah , speak up Sameer."
"Actually , I wanted to confess something."
He said as he bent on his knees and held my right hand in his.
"I love you Anjali."
"Sameer I..."
I began to say but then I turned my face to find Aman, my boyfriend standing right behind me. Sameer stood up looking at him and left my hand instantly. Aman looked at me tear eyed and I could see the broken look on his face. I felt bad for him but I definitely loved him more than Sameer. Aman grabbed his bag and rushed in a fierce pace inside the college.
Sameer again grabbed my hand and said.
"Tell me your answer before leaving."
"Sameer , I like you but I love Aman."
I left behind me someone I dearly cared about but rushed to get back the one I really loved.
"Aman, stop Aman!"
"Aman, listen to me once naa"
"There's nothing left to say and listen Anjali."
"Its over Anjali."
"Aman , please don't do this. I'll die without you."
"I m just done with you, Anjali, just done."
He turned back sharply and a pained expression all over his face.
"Aman, please!"
"What? The other day you went out to see a match with him and today if I'd be a little late you would probably be kissing him in front of my very eyes."
"Aman, I love you and I know I should have told you but it all happened all of a sudden and I couldn't get time to tell you."
"Why in world does it always happen that besides my busy schedule I always happen to have time for you but you have none for me?"
"Aman, I am sorry I will take out time for you. I'll take out time for us but please don't leave me Aman. I'll die without you."
Aman came and hugged me with all his might and then gave me a quick peck on my forehead. I too hugged him lovingly and we went to the college cafeteria after that.
Sameer on the other hand was happy in Anjali's happiness. 
©Aditi Tiwari 2015. All rights reserved.

Sunday 18 October 2015


"Everything is something I crave for, Something I used to have and Something sadly I know I'll never have again."

You know I've always got my friends and readers asking me to post something about love but I never could bring my self to do it. For me, or actually for everyone around there whose in love or been in love sometime or the other does not want everyone around them to know about their love life. at least, that's what I think but some people are really too public about their relationship and I don't really understand those people. You know its always confined to that small bunch of best friends we have. Who we don't even need to tell that we are in love is what everyone prefers. But today I am here to just share with you my encounter with the four letter word and a zillion of feelings called "love". Firstly, I was so frantic to write this post that I logged in my long ago deactivated face book profile and read all my messages to the same guy I feel in love with . It took me some time realize such as ass I was. We were really too good to be true. But leaving that aside.  Recently I discovered that my best friends are in a relationship. I really thought myself blessed to come to know after so long and telling two people before me. Sarcasm. Incase you didn't notice. Like I said, I already knew they were but its a whole new level of happiness when they open up to me.  I was so happy for them and then it took me back to the time where I for the first time actually fell in love. It was guy in my school that I fell for. We were good friends but before I know it I was head over heels in love with him. I think somewhere between late night conversations and the morning wishes I fell in love with him and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Was is too inappropriate. He is the still the best thing that happened to me. But I feared that wasn't quite the same from his side. I knew him well to know at least that bit of what he thinks. And someday I had to confess my feelings for him so why wait when I have today. So I confessed to him what I felt for him. I was over the move to realize that he felt the same way. And from then to two months, at least from I got on face book, we were really a very happy couple. But then I ruined  it all. I trusted a person I should not have and shared everything about my relationship with her. The word her reveals to much to be posted but I don't think she reads my blog. And then between misunderstandings and miscommunication I lost him. For once had he talked to me and I bet it would have been a lot more different from what it is now. But it think it was justified on his part. I didn't quite deserve even at the least a justification after what I did. As of today, 18th October 2015, I talk to him. its very casual and what just not enough. I am still madly in  love with him. But I am quite sure this time that its not the same from his side. Actually, I too think he has fallen for someone else. Maybe its just overthinking but yeah, I feel so. But that'd be okay as that only help me to move one.
© Aditi Tiwari 2015. Dark Blue Anecdotes. All rights reserved.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Durjoy Dutta

The first time i read one of his books I just hoped to bang my phone on the wall. Thank god it was a pdf or else I would have died of anger . Durjoy's the world's best boyfriend is the worlds wirst book you'll ever read. Highly immature and nonsense piece of shit. But i am not here to discuss that. But to discuss "if its not forever its not love ." Its again one of the books i finished in roughly two hours. The nook is good regarding the previous one. The plot is interesting and lovely. But the story is completely hollow. If debashish and avantika were not shown as a couple from the start it would have been damn more interesting and gripping. You don't seem to connect to the parallel story of Ritam and Ragini and want more of deb and avavtika. The book well penned but things need to be explained rather that just cutting everything short. The vocabulary is... okay lets not get there. I just hope that there were more povs' a better prologue abd more monologue. In short he one day might just nail it but not in the near future.

Monday 12 October 2015

Preeti Shenoy - perfect writer in the making!!

I was disturbed by a call from my aunt and i angrily pushed the amazon bookmark into the book and steeped out of bed to answer it. The book i finished only in two hours when i haven't skipped even a single word. I may have developed the habit to read fast by the tons of books  i have read. Preety Shenoy would be rightly described as a great writer in the making. I feel Preety has her own unique way of narrating the story that every writer must possess. You can't expect Indian  writers to have spellbound vocabulary or avid imagination but what Shenoy does the best is to make the story so beautiful that it makes your heart go for it. "Tea for two and a piece of cake" is the best book you would want to read on a simple weekday, after busy schedule when you want something to take your mind off the sadness of your life. It makes you believe that you can fall in love all over again. The book is probably the best for a quick read as it does not require anymore than a usual of maximum of three hours if you are a good reader as it grips you not like one of Amish's book but more than that of Chetan's and definitely more than that of Durjoy's. The book realistic and that is one the best things about the book. It perfectly mingels with the life of a single mom and does not approach for a fairytale of a lovestory but a simple yet engaging friendship that doesn't turn to marriage but results in live in relationship forever. That is the twist in the tale. But what didn't make Shenoy a perfect writer is that there is nothing after the happily ever after and thst i craved badly. If got a chance i would definitely love to read Shenoy's "life is what you make it." Kudos to Shenoy for a wonderful book.

Sunday 11 October 2015

AMISH - the myth pop star of India!

I am not much into mythology but with whatever I have read I can tell that Amish truly is the myth pop star of India. His books leave you to ponder on your own thoughts that truly there could be a imaginary world that he built with utmost care. I was suggested to read The secret of Nagas by my friend. I could not take my mind of the book for even a second. It was truly when I turned the last page that I found my solitary back. Amish has the ability to capture the mind of the readers and expel their conscious while reading his book. I then read the Immortals of Meluha and The oath of the Vayuputras and was very astonished to complete the trilogy. His writing is wonderful but kept me out of track until I read his first book in the Ram Chandra series - Scion of Ikshvaku . The book is simply awesome and strangely I find it more interesting than the Shiva trilogy. The conversations of the brothers is peened with most delicacy. The was between Dashrath and Raavan is also a treat to read. All in the whole book adds up to the knowledge of the Ramayana that you endeavor. This book is also special to me as it was gifted to me by my mother on account of getting good grades. The wait for the second book of the Ram Chandra Series is just so overwhelming that it can't be contained. Moreover the first book is so indulging that I decided to read it one again. I wonder why don't they have such books for our long reading text in exams. I mean other than Helen Keller why cant it be based on the Indian writer. Like "What were the reasons Ram was considered as a torment?" or something like that. The children would get to learn about mythology and at least read the book with interest and not think of it as a burden when almost 25% of students don't even attempt the novel question. Leaving that to side Amish is a great writer and if a mythology lover he would prove to be the ace writer to read. 


Thursday 1 October 2015

The stolen bicycle

When you study completely for five straight hours and that too maths you really need to get your meeting clear before doing anything else. I remembered the day before while playing cricket i saw a bicycle that too without a lock in my neighboring building. That's the only thought that came to my mind that i could use an opportunity to drive away s cycle after a long long time. I sneaked out to the building and took the bicycle peeping that no one's looking. I then drove the cycle to infinity and man it was so refreshing. I enjoyed it a lot. I kept the cycle back at its place and went home.


When you sit sometimes free of all the chaos do you feel that there are a few things in your life that thou wished would have never happened. Abd if it was so your life would be to divergent. Man, at fifteen I have more regrets than my grandmother ever had on her life. You know regretting something is wishing that it never happened. It's like you wanted to take back your words. I have way too many regrets. I wish sometimes i could go back in time abd change something i said, the way I reached, and the things i have done. But the fact is regretting is not gonna change a thing. But putting that thing behind you abd getting over it surely can.


I don't know if you can get jet lagged without changing time zones but I definitely was. I had a late night flight from Mumbai to Bangal...