Monday 28 December 2015

Dare To Dream!!

"Dreams can never be contained, like happiness, they tend to sometimes flow like the tears when you finally achieve them.And I'd be waiting for that day." Aditi Tiwari

Dreams! A typical 6 letter word but so many emotions. Well I have way too many of them. So starting of the professional and official dream. A lawyer. A typical black suited lawyer. And I my reasons for it. First of all it runs in my family. Secondly, I am planning of commerce so I want to be more than a banker and CA.. okay lets be in the limits. Thirdly, and most importantly, I want to make some serious changes in the Judicial System of India. For instance, juvenile law. And fourth, it pays. I mean come on. Lastly, I am a debater and orator. Fair one. At least my teachers say so.

Next, an assistant director. Well most of the people ask me why not a director? Well the answer is simple. No one blames a AD for a flop. Director gets all the eggs and tomatoes. And being an AD is fun. You get to learn so much. Be surrounded by stars and media bugs you for spoilers and you get to travel and stay in five star hotels and don't pay even a buck for it. Best part you get paid. I'd love to work for Sanjay Leela Bhansali. For obvious reasons. Great movies. Imtiaz Ali. Travel. Or best Zoya Akhtar. Farhan Akhtar. Javed Akhtar. Travel. Great movie. Superstars. Guaranteed hit.

Now a lil bit of high end and a hard dream. Harvard. Who doesn't want a Harvard degree. But then somewhere I know that I wont be able to do justice to this one dream too. I am not particularly and extra ordinary person. Actually I wanna do Honors from Harvard in History and Literature. But guess what I am doing a courses at Harvard Online and proud of it too. And I intend to do more of them. But Harvard or not I am going to do honors from any university in History and Literature.

Next, to the dream I feel the closest too. Maybe I am going to accomplish it next year as an editor. Well let just not boast about that until the right time comes. So of course I mean/."Maine blog banake jhak nahi maar rahi." So yeah after honors I would publish my own book which I am working now on. Love me like you do.

Pilot. Alas, I can never be a professional one as it requires 50% or more in PCM and I am going to take commerce. But I could do a private course in aviation. This infatuation about flying is the freedom you would feel when in the sky. Its about facing that fear. No not height. Fear to be free. And plus I have many friends who are acrophobic and it'd be my sweet revenge. And then owning a driving license is too mainstream. A flying license would be too nice to own. And it doesn't pay.

Last comes a bundle of all the dreams. See its a simple layout, I'd earn as a lawyer, travel as an AD, study abroad as Harvard aspirant, write and thus go for promotions and finally fly. Like travel goes hand in hand. And just not traveling you see. It includes completing my dream travel book. Yeah Yeah, YJHD , So what? I would write in it the experience i had and also the photos i clicked. I have already started with it. It has Rajasthan, Delhi, Manali, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Sikkim and of course Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. But there is a whole world left and I a ready!

May God give me enough potential to fulfill all my dreams and then there is a lil dream more you know to earn enough and thats why you'd find "it pays" often in this post. To render help for natural calamities struck people and donate for the charitable foundations that support them. All most of all support my own family and live a life of respect. 

That's all folks! For today!

© Aditi Tiwari 2015. All rights reserved. DBA.


Wednesday 23 December 2015

Osama Bin Laden

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden his full name was. The founder of al-Qaeda the organization that takes the responsibility of 9-11 attack on New York and several other armed violence s. He was a Saudi Arabian and an ethnic Yemeni Kindite. He was born to a billionaire father Mohammed Awad Laden in Saudi and studies in the country's universtiy. In 1998 he formed the al-Qaeda. Bin Laden was on the FBI's list of Ten Most Wanted Fugitives for his involvement in 1998 US Embassy Bombings.

He was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 10th March 1957.According to Wright, the group's real name was not used in public pronouncements because "its existence was still a closely held secret". His research suggests that al-Qaeda was formed at an August 11, 1988, meeting between "several senior leaders" of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Abdullah Azzam, and bin Laden, where it was agreed to join bin Laden's money with the expertise of the Islamic Jihad organization and take up the jihadist cause elsewhere after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan.

"God knows it did not cross our minds to attack the Towers, but after the situation became unbearableand we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and LebanonI thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followedwhen America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way: to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women."
— Osama bin Laden, 2004

After his initial denial, Osama bin Laden in 2004 finally claimed responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.The attacks involved the hijacking of four commercial passenger aircraft
United Airlines Flight 93, United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 11, and American Airlines Flight 77 and flying two into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and the third into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, destroying the former, and severely damaging the latter, while the fourth, either intended to target the U.S. Capitol or the White House in Washington, D.C.,crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, with no survivors. A total of 2,996 people died in the attacks, including 2,192 civilians, 71 law enforcement officers, and 343 firefighters who were in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area; 70 civilians and 55 military personnel who were in the Pentagon; and 245 civilians, a law enforcement officer, and the nineteen hijackers aboard the four airliners. In response to the attacks, the United States launched the War on Terror to depose the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and capture al-Qaeda operatives, and several countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation to preclude future attacks. The CIA's Special Activities Division was given the lead in tracking down and killing or capturing bin Laden. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has stated that classified evidence linking al-Qaeda and bin Laden to the September 11 attacks is clear and irrefutable. The UK Government reached a similar conclusion regarding al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden's culpability for the September 11 attacks, although the government report noted that the evidence presented is not necessarily sufficient to prosecute the case.

The operation, code-named Operation Neptune Spear, was ordered by United States President Barack Obama and carried out in a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operation by a team of United States Navy SEALs from the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (also known as DEVGRU or informally by its former name, SEAL Team Six) of the Joint Special Operations Command, with support from CIA operatives on the ground. The raid on bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad was launched from Afghanistan. After the raid, reports at the time stated that U.S. forces had taken bin Laden's body to Afghanistan for identification, then buried it at sea within 24 hours of his death.

You know I have a post on my blog appreciating Adolf Hitler. But I don't find any peice or drop of good in Osama Bin Laden. He was a terrorist. A down-right terrorist. He is the one who defines the word terrorism. The one who makes the world hate the whole of Islam. The one who carried blood of many while he sinks in the deepest of ocean. How can a person so disgusting. I wonder was an easy death a real punishment to him? Why is it that thousands of innocent people were tortured horrifyingly in the Guantanamo Bay but the real culprit offered such a death. Why was Saddam Hussein publicly executed while he gets away with some bullets. Even Colonel Gaddafi had a severe death although his deeds weren't as inhumane. But I don't know why deep inside I always have this gut feeling that he isn't just yet dead. That he is still at large.The world isn't a fair place. Lets pray the hell is. 

This post contains unedited facts from Wikipedia. I am thereby not answerable for there genuity. 

© Aditi Tiwari 2015. All Rights Reserved. DBA.   

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Birthday and New Year!

Birthday and New Year are the worst occasions in my life. The most hated and unwanted ones too. I hate to celebrate my birthday and new year both. And to make it even worse they always end up in the gap of 5 days. 25th December and 31st December are the doom days of my life. I don't like celebrating my birthday cause it ends up bad. Very bad. Like last year my best friends didn't wish me. The whole world, the most unknown people, my brother's friends but not them as they were upset with me. Before that my pet fish died on the same date. And before that we lost a T20 to Pakistan. Hell I don't remember what worse thing happened before. Nor do I need to. All of this is worse enough. And new years! They aren't any better. In 2013, I lost a dear friend. He isn't dead, just we aren't friends anymore. In 2014, I lost my best friend. Again, just virtually. And now in 2015, I have already lost someone who meant the most to be. You know 2013 was an awesome year. Full of celebrations and fun. It was when in was in 8th.Those were the days. Damn!I miss those days. No tension just fun!! And them came ninth! Hell of a depressed year. Wrong choices. Wrong decisions. Wrong people. Wrong everything. My life turned to a perfect example of what is a fucked up teenage life. Damn it! I lost my friends in the way met new people. Eventually the wrong ones. But at the end got my friends back. And here comes 10th. Darn of a year! It was okay. I mean it was not as good as 8th but not as bad as 9th either. All together it was a nice year and I couldn't expect to be better after a tragedy that my last year was. But then again I really lost many people this year. Both physically and emotionally. And the worst part is I miss them both. Very badly.  And here I am. Two days for my sweet sixteen. Bitter sixteen would be better. I don't know if my friends would wish me this year. Maybe. Maybe not. I was never into gifts. I like to present them but accept. I don't know. Just like that I guess. I don't dislike them either. But I don't like them too. So this year has been a heaven in hell kinda year. And whatever that means it was good. I made new friends who I probably don't regret making just up till now. I don't want to either. Lets see what happens next year. So hoping for an even better 2016 and a decent b'day. I wish I'd welcome 2016 with no regrets what-so-ever. Merry Christmas and A happy New Year. May the new year bring prosperity, may the odds be in your favor, may Leo DiCaprio receive an Oscar, may we make good films like Bajirao Mastani, may I watch all great movies coming up in 2016, may you fulfill your dreams, may we be able to change the juvenile law, may be bring justice to the ones who need it, may iPhone 7 be a huge success, may people like Harry Potter and the cursed child, and that's enough of may. 
© Aditi Tiwari 2015. All Rights Reserved. DBA.

I don't know what to title this

Have you ever just laid on the bed staring aimlessly at nothing,  when the tickling of the wall clock seems like the loudest sound of all,  when with each passing breath you feel to stop your heart from beating and then end all the misery.  But I don't have courage to do that.  Or else I would have done that long back. I think how did I manage to fuck this big as the pain in my head increases with each passing second.  I am tired of shouting at myself that it was all my fault and the worst part is I can't do anything about it.  God the world had been a better place if it did not have an idiot like me.  For all I am is a goddamn mistake.  In life of many.  I really have no idea of what to do next,  where to go to escape the harsh reality, whom to share my sorrows with, whom to trust enough and not to regret it later.  God! I feel so damn depressed.  I wish I really had that one friend how could at least just listen to what I had to say.  Just listen.  But alas that is way too much to ask for.  And what's a better time to be in a depressed state than when your birthday is two days away.  Awesome! I literally am tired of the bullshit my life has become.  Between explaining myself that I am alright and pretending to be alright I lost myself.  And that's the biggest loss I have had on my life.  I miss the old me and damn I am not getting her back.  My Life back.  I am defeated and sadly I have accepted to be like that now on.

Sunday 20 December 2015

4 things people do before & after when in a relationship!

1. "Tu" gets converted to "Tum" / "Aap" 
 2. Selfies!
 3. Fights!

 4. Food

© Aditi Tiwari 2015. All Rights Reserved. DBA.

Under the tree - the final chapter

Nothing in the posts relates to any person living or dead. Any similarity is mere coincidence.
The final chapter.
The annual day.  The biggest event of all.  The most fun-filled and awaited.  It was that time of the year for about fifteen days we would put an halt to our studies and immerse ourselves in dance.  and this year is was more fun.  As I made great new friends on the way.  Friends so close that without them I can't imagine my life now. And its the best feeling of the world.  Our performance was the last one. We waited a long time but when it arrived we danced our hearts out.  It was all over and I was left with tears of at the end.  It  was the time for a wrap.  I spotted Aarav sitting at the corner.  I went to him and keeled in front.  Though not in a relationship p we were friends. 
"What happened? "
" Nothing. "
" Really now! "
" Just I don't feel good. "
" Why? "
" Because it was my last annual day. "
" Awww so what? "
" So I would miss this all.  The craziness the fun the everything. "
And with that he began sulking.  I put one hand around his neck and one on his shoulder. But only for less than a microsecond. He stood up roughly and started walking coldly. I followed him.
" What's wrong with you? "
"Then why always you have to behave this way."
"Well i am behaving normally."
"No you aren't."
"Yes I am."
"Oh sorry, I forgot you hate me."
"You think so."
"Its the truth."
"Again, you think it is."
"So whats the truth then haan Aarav, why is that you always.. leave it."
"What.. what always?"
"Ananya. Now!"
"That you always push me away."
"its not like that."
"Oh really, then why is it that you can never talk to me normally? Why is it that you always have to behave coldly? Why is that you can't even return a smile? Why is that we can't act normal?"
"Because you always mess it up!"
"I mess it up? And how?"
"Yeah, you always do. With you damn feelings. Its just that I am not comfortable with you."
"But why God dammit? Its not like I want you to talk to me in front of your class your friends or for that matter in front of anyone. Yet only when you are talking to me too you have problem and what is it I just don't get."
"You don't need to. Just.."
"Just stay away from me."
A lone tear trickled down my face. I wanted to say so many things to him right now but I just couldn't. The voice won't crack out of my throat. It surely had an effect on me. For always I have known that Aarav was never the least fond of me but something like this was not expected. I never knew that Aarav could hate me so much to ask me something like this. But that was fine with me as if this was what he wanted I would too oblige. I just left from there. I couldn't walk of the physical and emotional exhaustion. I sat on the staircase that lead the ground to the school. I was crying badly. I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder. I looked up and found the exact person I needed know and the only person who could console me right now. My eyes were blood-shot red and that some how made her eyes moisten. I got up and placed a hand on her waist and she placed one on my shoulder.
"Wanna walk?"
"What happened?"

The Official End.

© Aditi Tiwari 2015. All Rights Reserved. DBA. 

Monday 7 December 2015

Love III

Listening to an infinite loop of Main Rahoon Ya Na Rahoon and Tere Bina for the last two hours and talking to people. Not a more satisfying situation I could be in. First of all those songs shake the soul out of me and then I am left to ponder over all the happy sad memories I have. The realization itself hurts so much. That all I have is memories. And you know what hurts the most that I lost a precious friend. I could easily lose a boyfriend and get over it but losing a friend like him has hurt me. For once if I had not confessed my feelings to him it would have been so easier and just the same. For today, we don't even properly talk. Its really hurting to see the person whom you talked day and night in struggling for words to talk to you. It hurts that the person who was so comfortable to talk to you can't even return a smile. It hurts that the whole world asks you whats hurting you and he doesn't even notice that you are hurting. He has moved on and I still struggle to think about anything but him. Forgetting everything and moving on seems so distant things. Its like the knot that can't be ever solved. Like it still is hurting like it did for the first time. Its like everything today, being endowed with so much of responsibilities, gaining the lost trust of your teachers, and everything seems so useless for the only reason I did that was because someone told me once "Image sudhaar ke baat karna." And till date I have worked for getting and earning a reputed image but it seems that I am late!   

The Unsung Hereos Of Indian Militia.

The Unsung Heroes of Indian Militia.

Think of that lonely mother,

Whose son is placed at the border.

Everyday she lives with a fear,

Not wanting a news that would tear.

Think of the that brave wife,

Whose husband is sacrificing his life.

For he serves as a captain,

Never dreading the wave action.

Think of that valiant sister,

Whose brother is the jet blister.

Flying high for the country,

His sister longs for a bounty.


I don't know if you can get jet lagged without changing time zones but I definitely was. I had a late night flight from Mumbai to Bangal...