Monday 17 August 2020

Southside Serpents

 It's been a while and I thought I'd scribble something so that this blog isn't dead neither is my liking towards writing. So I'd been watching Riverdale again because I kinda skimmed it the last time and regardless of all the drama that the show has which is a lot, the thing that stand outs every time is the friendship. May it be Veronica & Betty or Archie & Jughead or even Cheryl at times that's the thing I love the most about the show. How no matter how hard it gets they all stuck together. 

Real life friendships are often more dramatic than a teen show. And it just gets complicated over the years. Like you think you know someone but you never know what time reveals. Well I have had my fair share of friendships and all I know about them is I enjoyed them. All of them.

Whether it is my childhood friends whom I had know since I knew there was a subject called Social Studies or some whom I met on a train journey and never met again because what are the odds of that happening but every one of my friendship taught me something valuable about life a lot more that any of the textbooks ever could.

While some taught me that no matter what may happen we'd find our way back to each other anyway. Even if we didn't talk daily or didn't exactly know what was happening with the other person right now it didn't matter. Cause we knew that the moment one of us needs the other we are just a phone call away. And that kinda trust didn't develop overnight. It took years of fighting, bitching, hating each other to say the least but at the end realizing that we are all on the same team because we are our favorite kinda people. And that's the thing about school friends no matter how many friends you make after them, their place in your life remains unchallenged, forever.

Then there are some people who we have nothing in common with. You aren't the same age. You don't go to the same school. Heck you don't have the same interests but somehow those are the exact reason you are friends with such people. They challenge you to do something new. They break the monotony. And believe me when things go down in the above paradise, these friends are the one who make you see clearly. From needing a different POV to watching a film of a genre who never thought you were going to, these people are exactly what make life fun.

Friendships teach you how much it means when a person trusts you. Counts on you. And loves to have you around. It teaches you that its okay to not be perfect cause if you were heck bitch we wont be friends. But most of all it teaches us how to get trough life enjoying and cherishing every moment, how you are never alone in this strange world and how if you ever killed someone or did something more stupid not that I think killing someone is stupid (Its fascinating) all of your dumbass friends won't let you go down and enjoy prison alone.


I don't know if you can get jet lagged without changing time zones but I definitely was. I had a late night flight from Mumbai to Bangal...